parents assume college is just an offshoot of high school.
think the moment their college student so much as trips and breaks a wrist he’ll
be whisked off to the office, where his parents will be called, his
emergency medical card will be pulled from the file, and will
accompany him, along with a faculty member, to the nearest emergency
room for immediate treatment. |
nothing could be further than the truth.
be honest, we thought the same thing. In fact, the more universities that we talked to,
about how they handle student medical emergencies – gather and use
medical histories, emergency contact cards and deal with mass
casualty situations, the more alarming it became.
Here are a few
year in the U.S.:
college students are injured
college students die from alcohol-related emergencies and
30,000+ need emergency care.
college students are assaulted
college students are sexually abused
You know that feeling you just
got in the pit of your stomach? That’s the reason we created
Don't Lose All Your Stuff At College!
one afternoon, you’ll be ready. The bonus edition
contains not one, but two books, the Don't Lose All Your Stuff At
College Parent and Student Editions, so you and your student
will have what you need, to be safe and to stay safe. In case
your student needs to get his or her information together very
quickly -- and doesn't have time to ready the whole book, we've also
included the new Quick Start Guide.
receive complete, comprehensive
it and Go Forms to detail your student's full dorm inventory, emergency contacts and medical
history, and all the financial and vital
information they could ever need right at their fingertips, 24/7.
It’s quick, it’s easy and you can be up and running
in one afternoon!
Figure out what your student will need
Locate all that information and those
Fill-in Grab it and Go Forms and Wallet
Format and secure your student's vital documents
Formulate his/her emergency plan
Fast track his/her emergency
Ensure that your student can grab what
he needs
and go – within minutes!
Having the information your student
would need, at his fingertips, to cancel or replace credit and debit cards,
Having your vital documents like
insurance information, ID numbers and deeds the instant you need
The ability to replace valuables like
laptops and stereo equipment quickly
and easily after loss, because you’ll have the warranty and
insurance information you need to do it.
Keep your family together
and in constant contact during natural or man-made disasters
If you'd like, you'll
also receive our monthly e-newsletter absolutely free.
Is Included In the Bonus Edition?
Don't Lose All Your Stuff At College
Parent Edition
Don't Lose All Your Stuff At College
Student Edition
Quick Start Guide
Comprehensive Grab It and Go Forms to
capture your student's emergency contacts, medical history and
insurance information.
A complete Dorm Inventory
Get Back to Life Plan, in case of campus
or regional disaster or emergency
A complete inventory of all of your
student's financial information
Printable Grab It and Go Wallet Cards
Back to School Dorm Checklist

To download documents, either
right click on the link, choose "Save Target As" and save
to your desktop, or click on the link to open the document and then
save it to your desktop.
To College Dorm Checklist
College Guide (good resources)
Articles Surviving
H1N1/Swine Flu On Campus
Safe Student Articles
College Articles by Brendon Burchard